user generated sorta quizzes

It’s probably the longest standing requested feature for Sorta to be able to build your own quizzes, and it just launched into a public (to everyone) beta today! This app is a pet project, and could be described as whatever the opposite of lucrative is.

I’ve had to be creative about how to bring out features. While it might not be perfect, it is a way to get users to follow the same quiz algorithm to power their own quizzes easily. It’s piggybacking off of Mastodon posts, which was fun to interact with while it’s on the rise.

Also, if you haven’t visited in a while, there have been a lot of quality of life improvements for taking quizzes recently. You should check them out.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing what kinds of quizzes people will make. Hope you have fun with it!

March 9, 2023 at 5:10 pm

@skoda on @technochocolate on