photo blog

There is a new blog in town. It’s my photo blog. I’ve been busy taking so many pictures this past year that I’ve rarely found the time to give them any tender loving care. In an effort to get a little creativity out, I’m going to pull out some of those old pictures one at a time and see if I can give them some added interest. I’ve been meaning to experiment more, and I’m hoping this blog will get me thinking more creatively. Anyways, click through to the blog, and leave some comments to let me know what you think.

Also, I’ve finally squared away the layout for my site, and where the feeds will be. So, feel free to subscribe if you’re into that RSS thing. There are feeds for both my main blog and photo blog in case they are not both of interest to you. You can find them both at the bottom under feeds.

P.S. I’d like to give Sean Sperte credit for the design of the little blog/photo button in the top-right. I was having a hard time figuring out an unobtrusive design to flip between the two blogs. (Update: This design has subsequently changed to accommodate more pages.)

February 25, 2009 at 10:12 pm

@skoda on @technochocolate on