new site size please

While checking Google Analytics recently I found my website statistics to be interesting. When compared to “All sites of similar size” my blog has the following benchmark measurements:

  • 2,375.10% longer time spent on the site
  • 4,564.71% more visits
  • 6,000.00% more pageviews

I say this not to say that my site is a big hit, or even that great. What I’m trying to point out is that “All sites of similar size” is not exactly an accurate statement. I think multiple thousands of percentage difference might constitute a new site size, but what do I know, right?

July 29, 2009 at 5:23 pm

Hmmm… either the site has been getting really injected with Steriods (notice how the numbers increase descending)


BILLY MAYS! (Dun, Dun, Duunnn!)

“Spend .10% time on site and I’ll throw in 375% more for Free! But wait, that’s not all! Visit the site .71% more, and I’ll sweeten the offer by adding in 564% ALL FOR FREE!!! BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Order within the NEXT 15 minutes and I’ll throw in 2000% with the first piece and 4000% MORE with the Second. THAT’S A WHOPPING 6,939% increase Value ALL.FOR.FREE!!! AND THAT’S NOT ALL, THAT’S NOT ALL! The FIRST 151 customers will not only receive this amazing package deal, but they also get a complimentary 6000% page views!!! ORDER NOW!!!”

>>Order now and get not only 375% more time on site, but 564% more on site visits for free. Additional 6000% for site time and visits AND complimentary 6000% page views are subject to the first 151 customers who order in the next 15 minutes. Additional shipping fees will also apply. Order now by phone and Upgrade to Priority Mail shipping for free. This offer is only valid in the 48 contiguous states. All Major credit cards accepted. Call 1-800-555-5549 to Order Today!<<

…so… um, yeah, I’d say Billy Mays got to your site.. cuz if the site was on roids.. it would have crazy muscles and be rageful all the time….
…but really, that’s awesome that your blog is growing!!!

In Your Cadre, Guess Who (no, not Pikachu), July 30, 2009 at 12:13 am

@skoda on @technochocolate on