get dropbox

Dropbox is simply one of the greatest pieces of software to arrive since the advent of the Internet. It’s a cross-platform file storage and synchronization solution. In short, drag a file into your Dropbox folder; instantly it syncs the file to online storage, and replicates it onto all other computers that you have installed Dropbox using your account. You get immediate, no nonsense backup and syncing.

For me, it has replaced the need for thumb drives, I use it to share files related to a project with friends using shared folders, and using the public folder I can share download links with anyone, whether they have Dropbox or not. It has definitely saved the day a number of times.

The free account comes with 2 gigabytes of storage which isn’t too shabby, and if you follow this link to sign up and install the app, we’ll both get a bonus 250 megabytes of space. If you’re still curious about how it could help you, follow the link and check out their video.

March 30, 2010 at 3:37 pm

@skoda on @technochocolate on