a lot can happen in a year
I don’t have much to say about this. I just think it’s a fascinating thing to dress as Mr. Rogers one year, and Hannah Montana the next.
I don’t have much to say about this. I just think it’s a fascinating thing to dress as Mr. Rogers one year, and Hannah Montana the next.
Researchers in Japan have been able to reconstruct images from neural patterns when showing subjects a series of test images. This is such crazy stuff.
Not many years ago we began to see stories about monkeys and humans controlling computers or robotic machinery with special equipment monitoring their brainwaves, and now this. It’s remarkable. Whether you find it disconcerting or not, it’s pretty amazing.
IGN DS has just posted a trailer, some screenshots, and an interview about Scribblenauts.
I’m really excited about this game, and I think a ton of people are really going to like the idea. You should check it out and let me know what you think.
The machine creating water out of thin air from CNN.com:
“…a novel electricity-powered machine that draws moisture from the air and purifies it into clean drinkable water.”
This is just a dehumidifier. My parents have one in their basement. It takes moisture out of the air and puts distilled water into a container. Not to sure why this is the first time anyone had thought to use this in places without good drinking water.